Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Haiku and the Heron

Lesley's haiku of picture.

Recently, in the magazine "Shambala Sun", I read an article by Mary Rose O'Reilly. Several years ago I had come across her books and poetry and especially enjoyed reading the book "The Love of Impermanent Things." This current article was about writing a haiku, a seventeen syllable Japanese poetry form that I knew about but had sort of forgotton about.

Also recently I had been looking at old photograph albums and taking long, meandering walks down memory lane. It was delicious (just like all those Christmas goodies that have flooded our house with calories) and non fattening. Reconnecting with the simplicity and focus of the haiku form I decided to put poetry to pictures. So throughout the year I plan to scatter my efforts into cyberspace, along with the regular blogs. I am not a poetry writer really but I can, as Mary Rose O'Reilly suggests, lower my perfectionistic standards and enjoy the process. 
Here is the first haiku of picture.

Lone winter heron
Patiently fishing the lake
Stillness reaps reward 

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