Sunday, September 29, 2013

Couples' Magic

Eric's Blog
Thank You
Thank you
For doing the washing
For making supper
Thank you's
Show appreciation
For mundane jobs
And partnership in living
Lesley and I have a habit of saying "Thank you" for things we do for each other. I must admit, I acquired the habit from her and I really like it. It let's others know they are not being taken for granted. It also helps me become aware of others' contribution.
Some couples seem incapable of this simple gesture. They act as adversaries in living together and see saying "Thank you" as "I owe you one" or "I am one down to you".
Share the joy of living together with a simple "Thank you". It is catching.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you two are doing your blogs. I love reading them.
