Friday, March 28, 2014

Comfort Zone

Eric's Blog
Comfort Zone
What I usually do
Where I usually go
What I usually wear
Who I usually meet
Usually is comfortable
Like an old shoe
Tried and true
And comfy
But old shoes usually
Wear out
And we need new ones
To walk the path

Many things we do are ingrained habits. They are our comfort zone. They are easy and do not demand extra energy or courage. They make life predictable. Occasionally however, they may also land us in a rut, a place where we stop growing and experiencing new opportunities for change. Meeting that new person, wearing something different or just changing the routine may sometimes be important. 
A few months ago I had the opportunity to try a zip line. Climbing the ladder to get to it, about 40 feet up a tree, was definitely out of my comfort zone, as was zipping along the line itself. Overcoming my fear, I did it. Going outside my comfort zone brought exhilaration and a feeling of accomplishment I did not expect. 
Sometimes we need to get new shoes.     

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