Saturday, March 15, 2014

Getting Started

Eric's Blog
Getting Started
With many of the chores
And tasks I face
The key is
Getting started
Once I've started
I often wonder
Why it was so hard
To get going

I know there are various chores I need to do to keep up and to feel I am on track with managing myself and my life. Weeding, pruning roses, dishes, picking up dog poop and bill paying are just some of them. There is a certain inertia that sets in just before I start them. It is a "maybe it can wait until later" thought or maybe it is a feeling that I need to nurture myself for a while. I know better though and if I set my mind to it I dispose of that inertia, get started, get finished and then relax.
I enjoy the relaxation so much more after I have finished the chore. And once I have started the task, it's not so bad after all.  

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