Saturday, May 31, 2014


Eric's Blog
Old Friend Missing
You have jolted the recesses of my memory.
Tracing those faded images of
you, and us, I capture me, my
roots, the many paths I've taken
to be who I am. I have seen me in
We've aged together, lived together
in a common time. We've shared dreams
and disappointments.
We shared a heritage, a
common rite of passage.
Now you are gone
my old friend is missing.
With awareness of our destiny
I journey alone,
until I join you.
A couple of weeks ago my dear old friend Mel Segal died. The poem and letter are in his memory. I'll miss him alot.
Dearest Mel,
During a journey that began 45 years ago, you, Ken and I forged a deep, wonderful and enduring friendship that has blessed and enriched my life.
With an intelligent and astute mind, you brought to our trio a value of responsibility that always kept us on the right track. Sometimes it was hard to agree with you and playfully we called you "Superego" but you were usually right and probably saved us from lots of trouble. Those years together in the Public Health Service  when we worked together, argued together and had lots of good times together, cemented an invaluable bond that even in death is not broken.
Over the years, as we went our separate ways, we kept in touch, sharing the ups and downs of our lives. In retirement frequent e-mails brought us even closer. Once again, Mel, you enriched my life with your creative mind, sending me all manner of wonderful and insightful thoughts and ideas and beautiful images that you had discovered.
Mel, you were such a good man, with a supportive, loving heart and sharp intellect and you left your distinctive and meaningful mark on the world.
Remember to give those angels trouble it they are not in line and you will probably be correct.  

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