Monday, May 27, 2013

It Is What It Is

Eric's Post

For years my motto has been "It just is". Friends and family often kid me about it.
Unexpected outcomes in life often leave us wishing things were different, wishing for a different reality than "what is". "What is" is NOT what we expected or hoped for. No-one wishes for a divorce, or a rain on a day we were planning a picnic, or an accident that occurred while we are pulling the car out of the garage.
Sometimes "What is" is "What just is".
Things do happen that are difficult to deal with. After we have lived with and coped with the losses, pain and suffering, then we can find peace in accepting "what is". This is the peace that allows us to release anger, resentment and hurt and move forward into the fullness of our lives. We rest in acceptance of "what is".    

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